
Desorption study of a fly ash bed previously exposed to chrome-bearing wastewater
Kaushik Bandyopadhyay, Amal K. Misra and Nitin Som

This study attempts to assess the effectiveness of using a fly ash bed for retention of chromium (Cr3+ and total Cr) from chrome-bearing wastewater by means of desorption. The study was initiated in order to investigate the leaching characteristics of the adsorbed chromium in an exposed fly ash bed. Column studies were carried out, involving the permeation of deionized water through adsorp-tion beds of fly ash previously exposed to synthetic solutions of chromium and industrial tannery wastewater from the chrome-tanning process. The column studies were run continuously for twelve hours. The effluent samples were analysed for various cations (e.g. Cr3+, total Cr, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and pH. The permeability of the fly ash bed was also measured. It was observed that the concentration of cations in the effluent was negligible throughout. It seems that fly ash, which is an industrial waste and poses disposal problems, has great potential for use in the removal of chromium from chrome-bearing wastewater, while reducing the possibility of adsorbed chromium leaching into groundwater.

Key words: chromium, column study, desorption, fly ash, permeability

Land Contamination & Reclamation, 16 (3), 237-247

DOI 10.2462/09670513.893

© 2008 EPP Publications Ltd

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